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Universität Zürich

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The F-word in the classroom

16.12.2008 à 16:36

I have this class - names and numerals shall remain anonymous - that uses profanities profusely. They don’t call me names or curse to my face or anything like that, but when they talk to each other, for example during the break, or during pair work or group work. The entire range of profanities will make a proud and audacious appeareance at some point during the lessons: S-words, B-words, F-words, C-words, the lot! Repeated use gets the student sent out of the classroom. Simple as that. But that didn’t stop them from swearing and cursing ‘till kingdom come...

So last week I turned their obnoxious habits against them and had them listen to the following Monty Python audio-sketch. Beware: This much profanity can cause fainting, discomfort, and a painful amount of laughter.

Monty Python: The F-word:

Did it work? Did they stop using the F-word because it was 'forbidden'? Well, frankly, no.
