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Traditionally speaking,

Traditionally speaking,


Although I don't much hold this day (Feb 14) in high esteem - I mean let's face it, how can anyone really get off on such a commercialized luvy-duvy-fest? But I do have a little tradition. And by that I mean something I've been doing every V-day, bec... [mehr]
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oasis20 (39)



15495 Besucher seit 28.06.2005


Universität Zürich


Sag ich nicht

The Cur(s)e

09.02.2009 um 11:49

Riddles are the favourite playthings of an idle and der(a)il'd mind:

It is both a curse and its own cure. Poised on the truth it poisons the heart with its seeming omnipotence. Its mastery is both a gift and a burden of great power and responsibility. But, ultimately, amidst all this lament, this purgatory of doubt, it stands tall, a beacon of incorruptible truth: it is my church, and there I go to heal my hurts.

What is the answer to this riddle? This question is rhetorical, yet quintessential. For the answer is a different one for each and every one of us. So, what is the answer to this riddle for YOU?

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oasis20 09.02.2009 um 17:32
I am asking YOU because, for myself, I already know the answer
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