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Phionny a marqué 39 villes dans 14 pays

Phionny (32)



929 visiteurs depuis 23.04.2014


Universität Bern

Vie amoureuse

Je ne le dévoile pas

¨Do you know Hilbert?¨-¨Uuh, no!?¨-¨Then what are you doing in his space?!?¨ :D





Je recherche

mich selbst, also bin ich losgezogen um mich selbst zu finden. Wenn ich wieder da bin, bevor ich zurückkomme, so sagt mir bitte, ich soll auf mich warten!!! Danke :)
boccaccio 12.01.2015 à 20:40
Mensch, den wollte ich gerade bringen

Q: What is 8 divided in two parts?
A: Vertically it is 3,
horizontally it is 0.
Phionny 12.01.2015 à 20:40
Q: Can you prove Lagrange’s Identity?
A: Are you kidding? It’s really hard to prove the identity
of someone who’s been dead for over 150 years!
boccaccio 12.01.2015 à 20:36
Q: What's yellow, linear, normed and complete?
A: A Bananach space.
Phionny 12.01.2015 à 20:30
haha, reminds me of this one:
Q: What is brown, furry, runs to the sea, and is equivalent to the axiom of choice?
A: Zorn's lemming.
boccaccio 12.01.2015 à 20:10
Q: What's yellow and equivalent to the Axiom of Choice.
A: Zorn's Lemon.
Phionny 12.01.2015 à 19:52
Q: What’s the value of a contour integral around Western Europe?
A: Zero, because all the Poles are in Eastern Europe.

Addendum: Actually, there ARE some Poles in Western Europe, but they are removable!
boccaccio 12.01.2015 à 17:33
Q: What kind of insect is good at math?
A: The account-ant
boccaccio 12.01.2015 à 16:40
Das erinnert ja fast schon an Olli Kahn's Aussage über die Niederländische Nationalmannschaft "Vorne sind die Holländer bestens bestückt"

Q: What's yellow and differentiable?
A: A bananalytic function.
Phionny 12.01.2015 à 16:19
Q: What did the female magnet say to the male magnet?
A: From the back, I found you repulsive, but from the front I find myself very attracted to you :-*
boccaccio 12.01.2015 à 16:12
Q: Why can't you grow wheat in Z/6Z ?
A: Because it's not a field.
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