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White Lotus

{de}White Lotus{/de}
Location Indochine - geschlossen, Zürich
Datum 21.09.2012
Eventtyp Party
Musikstil R&B, Club Music, Hip Hop, Partytunes, Reggaeton
Acts DJs Mike Steez, Cut Rogg, R Suda, King Abi, King Chris - Special Guest DJ Roc One feat Mc Crazy Mo
Mindestalter 18
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When the white lotus blooms... the queen of all asian flowers and Indochine, the glamorous club with a huge touch of asian class, fit perfectly and so it was just a question of time, until they both meet for an unforgettable night. Mike Steez, King Abi, King Chris, R-Suda and Cut Rogg play their finest records and everybody´s invited to join them for some hours of pure dancefloor-movement.

A revered and mystical symbol, utilized by both the ancient Egyptians and the Geisha of Japan - the White Lotus is a rare flower that only blooms at night.
The White Lotus event is a unique experience in curated entertainment. Combining an extravagant theme and live entertainment - invitations to our parties are highly sought after.

The perfect place to meet the perfect people.

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