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Jobzippers - Now Accepting Applications for Student Ambassador in Bern

Jobzippers - Now Accepting Applications for Student Ambassador in Bern


Jobzippers is now accepting applications for a Student Ambassador at Berner Fachhochschule or Universität Bern. If you are keen to get real work experience, have fun and make some money, apply now by sending us your CV and a motivational letter. For ... [mehr]
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372 Besucher seit 02.01.2012


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Help Jobzippers Reach 1000 Fans & Be Eligible for Free CV Check by Recruiting Experts

18.04.2012 um 14:29

Help Jobzippers reach 1000 fans on Facebook and be eligible for a free CV check by our recruiting experts.

Invite your friends to our page or share the link to your page, on your timeline, or via email:


What's in it for you? A great thank you from our side + if we reach the 1000 by Friday, each one of you is eligible for a free CV check (if you need one) by our recruiting experts.

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