Senya's letzte Besucher

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A Portion of Inspiration [New Year edition] #8

A Portion of Inspiration [New Year edition] #8


Hello Community!Very soon the bells will ring their last time in 2012 and I wish that each last bell will ring out everything negative and false that was in your life during the year. Yet I sincerely wish you that every new ring would bring you happi... [mehr]
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Senya (37)



597 Besucher seit 20.09.2012


Entrepreneurship and Business Management



Never Back Down

Professional advice to flat advertisers

07.10.2012 um 10:35

Hello Community

I noticed that many of students are looking for a place to 'stay in' or to 'move in'. And that is normal, what is not normal is the lack of communication between the advertiser and the one who is interested.

Yes, the advertiser may say to himself that he has tons of other requests and cannot answer to everyone, but that is a 100% excuse. Never develop this kind of an attitude, because in the long term it will only hurt you (in your career or personal life).

So, here is the advice - once you get a request, no matter how busy you are - stop (or find time) and answer to that person's needs. Because may be you - are the last hope for that person. And I believe we all can become better if we will shift our mindset from "I/Me" to "You/Them". So next time when you will get a request do not coldly ignore that person, simply explain him if the property is occupied or not (It will take only 30 seconds. Think about it). And the premium would be assisting him in his search.

Trust me, you will gain more from this approach than from the 'ignoring' attitude. Besides, you can become friends with that person, and who knows, may be this new friend will help you someday.

About me: My name is Senya and I am entrepreneur, whose main strengths are in Leadership, Marketing and Business Development. And I will be happy to help you reach your goals.

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