oasis20's letzte Besucher

oasis20's neuster Blog

Traditionally speaking,

Traditionally speaking,


Although I don't much hold this day (Feb 14) in high esteem - I mean let's face it, how can anyone really get off on such a commercialized luvy-duvy-fest? But I do have a little tradition. And by that I mean something I've been doing every V-day, bec... [mehr]
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oasis20's Freunde

oasis20 (38)



15495 Besucher seit 28.06.2005


Universität Zürich


Sag ich nicht



Meine Worte

"And as words go out of sight into mind They go out of heart into thoughts unkind." "Though to lie is to create, not destroy Lies do not add up, and one truth ends all." "The world can be said in words lest you lose yourself in a whorl of wordiness." "Puppets of providence were we tonight." "For all the worldly wisdom in my head I am a fool at heart."

Ich suche

Everything and nothing.
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dems 13.01.2010 um 22:12
.... ich war kurz hier... gruss gruss gruuuss - la gioja
mezzaluna 04.01.2010 um 12:57
farfalla85 28.12.2009 um 00:49
hi! thanx
Herr_Schneemann_und_das_Iglu 24.12.2009 um 04:50
Herr_Schneemann_und_das_Iglu hat auf dein Profil einen Schneemann gebaut.
bary_kim 21.11.2009 um 17:27
gib mal einen laut von dir......
AngieSchwarzenbach 30.05.2009 um 17:53
nice blog. It's got the right amount of disturbia.
oasis20 18.03.2009 um 23:42
naja, soweit ich weiss könnten wir ja Geschwister sein oder so
livvi 12.03.2009 um 23:02
hey lazyhead, what's up with ya? no news on the blogfront? and here i thought you'd be a ray emanating from the bright future. hehe.
oasis20 07.02.2009 um 11:05
thanks, mate. PS: Matches are the devil's playthings
bary_kim 12.11.2008 um 22:35
kannst du gut tennis spielen?
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