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Les pays où les diplômés de MBA sont les mieux payés

Les pays où les diplômés de MBA sont les mieux payés


Le salon des meilleurs MBA Internationaux de retour à Genève le 12 Mars Les pays où les diplômés de MBA sont les mieux payésLes diplômés de MBA les mieux payés habitent... en Suisse avec une rémunération moyenne de 84.689 euros brut par an. Première ... [plus]
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The QS World MBA Tour visits Geneva

08.03.2010 à 16:57

For the first time, the QS World MBA Tour, the world’s leading series of international events for MBA candidates will stop in Geneva on March 27th. ( brings every year MBA admissions officers, alumni and other experts from international business schools to 65 cities in 40 countries. Featuring influential business schools from all over the world, the event itself will give prospective MBA candidates a fantastic opportunity to meet face-to-face with admissions officers from around the world.

Candidates can:

    - Meet admissions officers from schools of their choice- Discuss business schools with alumni from some of the world’s top MBAs
  1. Attend seminar panels and participate in the Q&A forum
- Watch first hand a business school masterclass - Apply for some of the $1.6m scholarships available

Event Date: 27/03/2010Event Start Time: 2pmEnd Time: 6pmRegistration Required: - Register at

Informations : Phone Number: 00 33 145665472


Web Site:

Event location:Four Seasons Hotel33 quai des Bergues 1201 GenèveSwitzerland
