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Unashamed Luxury am 04.05.2016 im Kaufleuten Klubsaal

{de}Unashamed Luxury am 04.05.2016 im Kaufleuten Klubsaal{/de}
Location Kaufleuten, Zürich
Datum 04.05.2016
23:00 Uhr
Eventtyp Party
Musikstil Open Format, House, HipHop
Acts DJ Cruz, 7UBO
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Dear Unashamed Luxury Squad!
May the 4th be with you...
DJ Cruz & Friends are very excited to welcome you to the next Edition of Unashamed Luxury at Zurich’s Kaufleuten!
On Wednesday, May 4th (before Ascension Day / Auffahrt), when all of us are free the following Thursday, we will build a very unique structure into the venue... We've been planning this for a while now and can't wait to finally make it happen!
Cruz and his guest 7UBO are as always keeping it wild and fun by playing Open Format from Hip Hop, Trap to uplifting House, Indie Dance and everything else they love playing.
We can't wait to present this special production to you on Wednesday, May 4th!
May the 4th be with you!
DJ Cruz & Friends

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