MrFord's letzte Besucher

MrFord's Freunde


MrFord hat 19 Städte in 10 Ländern markiert




173 Besucher seit 31.12.2012


Theologie (M.Th)
Université de Lausanne



The image that we reflect is not what the mirror tells us.

Let it go!

05.01.2013 um 16:15

It's easy to find yourself in prison in an unworking relationship. There is always a relationship that is not working. Either one is tired or has come to realize he or she is in the wrong relationship. Such moments can be critical and hard for both. But the most difficult part is when you're not set free by the other.

It's not easy to let go something that you've come to cherished and loved. In a relationship, to let go a sweetheart is like putting a knife in your throat. But sometimes there's no other way than to let go. Letting go doesn't mean you're a loser. It simply means you love yourself and respect the choice of the other. It means setting the other free from the prison of too much worry. It means you're to check around again.

The fundamental fact is that if someone is not happy about his or her current relationship, the person is going to quit anyway oneday; so why not let the person go now? Let it go and if it's yours, it shall come back to you.

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