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A Portion of Inspiration [New Year edition] #8

A Portion of Inspiration [New Year edition] #8


Hello Community!Very soon the bells will ring their last time in 2012 and I wish that each last bell will ring out everything negative and false that was in your life during the year. Yet I sincerely wish you that every new ring would bring you happi... [mehr]
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Senya (37)



597 Besucher seit 20.09.2012


Entrepreneurship and Business Management



Never Back Down

A Portion of Inspiration #3

05.11.2012 um 10:41

Hey Community!

It's Monday, November the 5th. New week.

I wish you all to challenge your fears and doubts, because they are your greatest enemies that stand between you and your success.

Upgrade your armor by daring to do one thing at a time. Strengthen your spirit by daring to try new things. And do no not worry if you will be failing in the beginning. Because there is no such thing as a failure - it is a process of learning, growing and becoming better. Remember one simple truth: the rainbow appears after the rain.

So go and challenge your fears and come back victorious!

About me: My name is Senya and I am entrepreneur, whose main strengths are in Leadership, Marketing and Business Development. And I will be happy to help you reach your goals.

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