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A Portion of Inspiration [New Year edition] #8

A Portion of Inspiration [New Year edition] #8


Hello Community!Very soon the bells will ring their last time in 2012 and I wish that each last bell will ring out everything negative and false that was in your life during the year. Yet I sincerely wish you that every new ring would bring you happi... [mehr]
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Senya (37)



597 Besucher seit 20.09.2012


Entrepreneurship and Business Management



Never Back Down

A Portion of Inspiration #6

03.12.2012 um 13:04

Hello Community!

"What is the secret of success?" "How the winning is done?" "How can I achieve greatness?"

These are the questions people often ask themselves. Yet many find it really hard to find an answer.

Some say it is 'hard work', some say 'it is all about the money', some say 'it's none from the above'. So WHAT IS the real answer to those questions?

The answer lies in your attitude. This is the most important thing in your journey of becoming a better person. You must understand that failures in life are the building blocks of your future success. If you failed once and quit - then you will never achieve anything with this attitude. If you will be scared of even trying to do something, because you might fail, that would be even worse than previous example. The more you fail, the more you feel frustrated and uncomfortable, the more chances that you will succeed. It's not a 'one night' process, you know. It takes time, courage, effort and a bursting desire to win. It all comes from within. It is your attitude that matters the most.

Here is a great video that will make your spirit soar ~>

Never back down, go full steam ahead and become victorious! I believe in you.

About me: My name is Senya and I am entrepreneur. My super skills are Leadership, Marketing and Business Development. And I will be happy to help you reach your goals.

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