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Traditionally speaking,

Traditionally speaking,


Although I don't much hold this day (Feb 14) in high esteem - I mean let's face it, how can anyone really get off on such a commercialized luvy-duvy-fest? But I do have a little tradition. And by that I mean something I've been doing every V-day, bec... [mehr]
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oasis20 (39)



15495 Besucher seit 28.06.2005


Universität Zürich


Sag ich nicht

...Coming soon..!

06.12.2008 um 10:29

Ok I haven't done this before, this would be my first so-called blog post (how I hate that word, gonna have to look it up, maybe its etymology can soothe my pugnacious spirit). Anyhow, before I get started, let's just throw a little amuse-bouche out there:

"Onstage I cannot act
And in life I never cease from acting."

Haven't been able to turn that into an iambic pentameter yet.Would like to turn it into either a two-liner pentameter or to have it accompanied by other thoughts. Kind of like the idea that action and acting are both semantically and etymologically related... the possibilities of combining those two as an antithetic-synthetic dialectic argument would be quite nice. Working on it.

Has anyone else noticed "eternal sunshine of the spotless mind" is a pentameter. I googled it but found it not as a quote, is it a truly original title? I doubt it very much. Once a thieving magpie always a thieving magpie.. Anyway, I have kind of appropriated it:

"Where darkness sets in only to find
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind".

Oh yeah, and this will be an English blog, mostly. I'd say 92.375%. There will be the occasional blog in German, I hope I think I know. But not yet. Well, there it is.

And I'll have to figure out all those formatting buttons.

PPS: And already it becomes painfully clear what an amateur I am:

How happy is the blameless vestal’s lot!
The world forgetting, by the world forgot.
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind!
Each pray’r accepted, and each wish resign’d.

Pope, of course, who else? How did I not guess? I've recognised Thomas Hardy's less-than-passable poetry before, but I didn't recognise Pope? What a pooper. Dobby's gonn have to punish himself now.

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oasis20 07.12.2008 um 17:59
self-destruct in five seconds? no rest for the wicked and all that?
Skyler 07.12.2008 um 17:02
I do not want to start correcting this blog.

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